Two months ago, the topic of extra-terrestrial presence on Earth and/or the greater UFO topic were not active parts of my life. I never doubted the existence of extra-terrestrial beings. I’ve always felt that the popularly considered idea that humans are the “only intelligent life in the Universe" was a glaring example of our species’ unchecked hubris. But I had never considered the idea that we are all innately capable of directly contacting and communing with interstellar, extra-terrestrial beings.
My last correspondence ended with, “I’ll report back in June.” Now I’m struggling with the problem of reporting on something that I do not yet feel or understand the full significance of…
I cannot report in full at this time. In many ways, I don’t want to talk about my recent discovery at all. Not because I wish to keep this profound new awareness and experience to myself, but because I don’t know how to talk about it yet…I can’t feel it yet. What I do know is that the conditions of my existence here on Earth have been radically altered, and I’m sure they’ve altered for the better—but my mind, body, and soul have not yet caught up with what I have experienced.
The reason I am stretching myself to share this precursory account, is that this knowledge and ability are not my own—they are all of ours. In a world that has stifled us, kept us small and divided, we all need now more than ever to be shown a new way.
Here is the ultra-condensed summary of what happened in the desert:
An expedition team of roughly thirty individuals including myself worked for six days and nights studying and exploring the science of consciousness and applying our consciousness, as a collective, in a coherent meditative practice intended to contact interstellar, extra-terrestrial life, inviting them to our position on Earth to commune with us directly…
…and it worked.
We are in the compassionate and benevolent presence of highly intelligent, immeasurably more spiritually and technologically advanced, extra-terrestrial beings—beings that we share this Universe with: our Relations.
Two months ago, the topic of extra-terrestrial presence on Earth and/or the greater UFO topic were not active parts of my life. I never doubted the existence of extra-terrestrial beings. I’ve always felt that the popularly considered idea that humans are the “only intelligent life in the Universe" was a glaring example of our species’ unchecked hubris. But I had never considered the idea that we are all innately capable of directly contacting and communing with interstellar, extra-terrestrial beings.
My last correspondence ended with, “I’ll report back in June.” Now I’m struggling with the problem of reporting on something that I do not yet feel or understand the full significance of…
I cannot report in full at this time. In many ways, I don’t want to talk about my recent discovery at all. Not because I wish to keep this profound new awareness and experience to myself, but because I don’t know how to talk about it yet…I can’t feel it yet. What I do know is that the conditions of my existence here on Earth have been radically altered, and I’m sure they’ve altered for the better—but my mind, body, and soul have not yet caught up with what I have experienced.
The reason I am stretching myself to share this precursory account, is that this knowledge and ability are not my own—they are all of ours. In a world that has stifled us, kept us small and divided, we all need now more than ever to be shown a new way.
Here is the ultra-condensed summary of what happened in the desert:
An expedition team of roughly thirty individuals including myself worked for six days and nights studying and exploring the science of consciousness and applying our consciousness, as a collective, in a coherent meditative practice intended to contact interstellar, extra-terrestrial life, inviting them to our position on Earth to commune with us directly…
…and it worked.
We are in the compassionate and benevolent presence of highly intelligent, immeasurably more spiritually and technologically advanced, extra-terrestrial beings—beings that we share this Universe with: our Relations.
I was guarded last night…and nervous. Not about contact with the Universe, but with an unknown group of humans who I was meant to nearly immediately bond with, trust, meditate with, and share the most intimate of experiences with—opening our souls together to make contact with those sentient beings that we share the cosmos with.
My greatest challenge was facing an upheaval of societal conditioning…my mind made an excuse not to be there, an excuse as to why it was bullshit, and how I’d been “had.” That’s the voice that keeps us small—the voice that was implanted in our beings long before we had the faculties to defend ourselves against it…it's the voice that keeps all things divided, defined, in competition, where all is deemed worthy or unworthy by the dollar-amount value we ascribe to it.
The group was on a break after a long contact-mediation. I was standing by myself looking north, and out of the blackness came a single flash…it was motionless, out in the sky amongst the stars, it flashed on and flashed off, and that was it. I don’t know if anyone else witnessed it. Not long after, looking to the NW, a bright light simply “appeared”—much brighter than any celestial objects in the area. It moved to the north for a number of seconds, shining consistently and brightly the whole time, then “disappeared” in an instant. This was seen by many in the group, I was even told one of the group’s cameras got it on film…
…as soon as it happened, I found myself explaining, or “unexplaining,” it away and worrying about the money I’d spent to be there. This really woke me to the effects of our societal conditioning. We’ve been made so small, so stifled. Here I am with a group dedicated to expanding our consciousness, making contact with advanced civilizations, receiving feedback from the Universe, and I’m standing there calling it into question, doubting, and wondering if “it was worth it” all within the first few hours of a weeklong expedition.
I will not be beat so easily, I will not remain so small. I mediated first thing this morning—I asked the ancients, Native American ancestors [I say “ancestor” loosely…’ancestors of the human species’] who have been on this land and looking to the sky for untold thousands of years, to help me free myself…to look up, to feel and experience with my own senses and own self. I asked any E.T.s who may be listening to help free myself from the smallness of my mind so I may be the best ambassador of human peace, and guardian of our plant and Nature, that I can be.
It is a good group I am with. They are diverse, enthusiastic, and vested in this mission. There are physicists, pilots, engineers, medical professionals, retirees, and laymen alike—none of which have been involved in UFO subculture, nor do they seem interested in outlandish conspiracies, but all of whom are dedicated to investigating the objective reality of what is unfolding in our modern world. They are intelligent, sober, and coherent. I am the only self-proclaimed "naturalist" in the group. I must remember that I am here on behalf of the wilds and our environment. I will rise to this experience and allow myself to grow.
Yesterday was very challenging, my soul & mind are being challenged by my experience here. The root of the challenge is that I feel no doubt of the validity of what we are here to study, namely the science of consciousness, the presence of interstellar E.T. civilizations on our planet, and our innate abilities to commune with them. However, I’ve found myself feeling doubt in some of what is being said, the delivery of some of the lessons, and the claims being made about the direct contact experiences that we were having during our nighttime sessions.
This afternoon lecture provided a conceptual overlay of the greater “E.T. climate” in the world right now. We spoke about clandestine activities, PSYOPS that used manmade E.T. vehicles/technology to terrorize the public as a “false flag” method of uniting the populace, suppression of Earth/environment saving technologies, etc. We explored the precursory science behind what we’re observing and feeling: the quantum Universe/quantum hologram and multi-dimensionality, the different planes of existence, bilocation, remote viewing, and E.T. civilizations as they relate to their development in spiritual and conscious realms.
Some of it was like listening to a prolonged and redundant ‘abstract’ that introduces the base concepts of the theory, but doesn’t actually have any sort of technical proof-of-theory contained. There was no "hard science" involved in the introduction of the content, if you could comprehend the language being spoken, you could comprehend the meaning of the sentences/statements—whether it was agreed, or disagreed with, verifiable, or unverifiable. Unwanted skepticism seeped into me, I worried I was wasting energy fighting myself rather than openly investigating and inspecting the topics. This had the unfortunate effect of making me question the experience with the group as a whole, hence the greater conflict I am feeling. I cannot allow my questioning to color the whole of my personal experience and experience with the group.
During the contact meditations, few people had significant sightings, but some were calling out sightings constantly—none of which I saw or experienced. “There a cobalt blue orb there..” “The whole sky lit up, that whole thing is a massive ship that just fazed in and out…” “There’s a red light under your feet…” It went on and on. At one point the assertion was made that there were hundreds of ships all around us, E.T.s standing all amongst us…even that we were actually inside, encompassed by, a ship that had come in ‘just out-of-phase’ [dematerialized: in the same space as us, but shifted into another dimension, out of the 3D physical] and settled in all around us. Unfortunately, this did not help my receptivity to the work being done. It further fueled my skepticism and doubt.
The only thing I saw that really got me excited…and this was seen by the whole group…was an incredibly large, bright, nearby, and long-lasting object that showed up with a similar speed and trajectory as a shooting star would have…but it looked like no shooting star I’d ever seen. It lasted a long time, it was incredibly bright, a clear, almost “precise-white” luminosity—it had little to no tail, but was somewhat tear-drop in shape. There was a black-disk shape at its center that I could discern against the different shade of black that made up the night sky, and there was a red glow encompassing the disk. For a moment, after the white light went out (again, not dissimilar in characteristic to a shooting-star), I could still see the red glow and the disk it encompassed, then the red glow went out, and I could still see the sharp-black of the disk continuing in its same size and velocity into the blackness of the night sky. It was brilliant, and I felt my soul and mind leap at seeing it. It is hard for me to think that was a shooting star…it felt and looked like something that was loosely mimicking a shooting star, for the sake of being playful, and acknowledging our meditations, presence, and invitation. [05.26.2021 NOTE: Yesterday, I asked some other people about their experience in viewing this event, and then I asked, “That didn’t seem like it could have been a shooting star did it?”…the unanimous response was a sort of wide-eyed and immediate rejection of the idea that it even may, or could have been, a shooting star…and to even suggest that it might have been a shooting star was far more abstract and disconnected than the open acknowledgment that it was, absolutely, an extra-terrestrial craft]
My job is to get absolutely everything I can get out of this week, to stay open, to listen, follow-up, inspect, and engage. That said, I will stay mindful and vigilant as well.
One thing that I specifically need to follow up on today was the use of electronic instruments to gauge anomalies. There were many instruments brought in, mostly by a geo-physicist, that became hyper-active half-way through our contact-mediation session. The geo-physicist was beside himself, he was giddy. He said he had the “Lamborghinis of hand-held [insert name of devices]” and that nothing man-made could produce the signals he was seeing. He was detecting anomalies, and what he described as E.T. beings, all within the circle we were in…he even walked over to me and was giddy in saying, “There are four right here, there are four standing right with/around you!” Another individual was running a different kind of device, a magnetometer, that had become highly active too, and was also saying it was the direct presence of E.T.s that were intentionally sending signals to the devices for the sake of communicating their presence.
(NOTE: The reason for them being phased “out of 3D” direct-physical presence was attributed to them needing to stay safe from our military, who targets “foreign craft and entities”…which, of all things, I actually can fully appreciate. I’ve no doubt, that if I were an E.T. coming to current-day Earth, that I wouldn’t be trusting of our governments and/or military)
It needs to be noted, that I observed many people in the group that were highly excited and that seemingly felt and accepted the entirety of the night’s experience. They were describing their own feelings, intuitions, and experiences that suggested that we were indeed in the direct presence of E.T.s that were communicating with us. I don’t know if there were others in the crowd who had doubts or reservations as well, but I do know through observation that it was an incredibly special night and experience for many of the people around me.
A person can either choose passive disbelief, casting themselves into the role of the lazy cynic, or they can follow up on what they don’t understand and come to conclusions through effort, deliberation, and openness. My task is to follow up on what I’ve not understood.
Incredibly impactful night. It was very quiet compared to last night. The moon was full, it was warm, and very light out. I did privately sort of “step out” from the guided meditations and allowed myself to follow my own meditations, intuitions, and feelings. My seat in the circle was facing SE and about midway through the evening the moon was almost directly in front of my gaze at about 45 degrees in the sky. There were two stars just above and to the east of the moon, maybe 10-15 degrees up and 5-10 degrees east (loose guesses). I’d been observing them passively while watching the rest of the night sky all evening.
During my private meditations, I was asking for help. I was admitting to the E.T.s that I was struggling with the limitations of my mind, and the conditioning that’s been imposed upon me by the current reality of the world. I told them I felt myself being guarded, and closed-off to an extent. I wasn’t asking for proof of their existence, I already felt and believed that they existed. What I needed was a more subtle proof that we could, and were, communicating…I was asking them to help me feel the truth of our present shared connection and unity through consciousness. In effect, I was asking for a private conversation that would allow me to feel, in an intimate one-on-one sort of way, that we were indeed connected/connecting, and I got one.
As I was scanning around, my mind swept back over the moon and the stars above it. Just above the moon and slightly to the east I saw a string of three equidistant stars, all of very similar size and brightness. [Retroactive note: after re-reading this, I feel it’s important to mention that my subconscious has been seeing recurring visions of a line of three stars or lights in a row like this for a couple of days.] My intuition started staring at the formation in a sort of head-scratching, “Huh, I don’t remember there being three stars in a line like that up there….” As I continued studying these three stars, I started blinking and trying to clear my eyes, because it seemed like they were slightly wobbling, as though the middle star was swaying and looping around a little bit…my attempt to stabilize myself and lock my vision onto the “fixed” formation of stars transferred to me a similar sense of being on a boat rocking in the chop and trying to maintain equilibrium. A minute or so passed of watching this, and I looked at the gaps between the formation and thought, “That star is definitely moving, it has changed position dramatically…” I made the group aware of what I was observing, I gave them coordinates to it in the sky. To my astonishment, it seemed to evoke little more than a sort of half-interested shrug out of the group…and even while this event was still happening, the vast majority of the group ceased to watch it. Another minute or so passed and now what had been the “middle star,” which I’ll now openly refer to as the ‘craft,’ was all the way down next to the lower star, then for the next minute or two I watched it slowly slide out to the east, the craft lingered to the east of the two stars for a while, then over the course of another minute or so the light emanating from it slowly faded out and/or away, and it was gone.
I was blown away by the experience. And when the craft disappeared, I sort of checked around the group and could tell no one else had really been paying much attention and those that had watched it with me, didn’t seem to be very impacted by it. I then remembered a discussion that was had earlier in the week in which it was recognized that it’s well documented that along with collective contact experiences that are shared by all, E.T.s regularly hold/send private communications as well, and some contact events are meant for, or shown to, specific individuals. While this event was visible to all, it did feel intensely personal to me as I watched it—like it was a private communication between myself and the occupants of that craft. It was subtle, sort of playful and indirect, the flight path was very looping, abstract, almost like a tired drunk just sort of drifting and looping around at a snails pace on some indeterminate path…and yet it was crystal-clear, poignant, and undeniable. I asked for something undeniable, something in my language that let me feel for myself the reality of what was happening, that we were communicating and that both sides were sending and receiving, and I was gifted that proof in a lasting, generous, and compassionate confirmation. They understood what I was needing to feel from them, and they gave that to me. I sat in a sort of awe last night, my energies buzzing but subdued, and I felt a quietly ecstatic wonderment. Nothing else was reported the rest of the night by anyone in the group—I personally couldn’t have asked for more. I spent the rest of the evening basking in the experience of observing the sky, the moon, the clouds, and stars and was awed by their beauty.
At around 2420h ships started appearing in the NW, and moving out to the north, then disappearing into the sky…I did not see the craft go behind a horizon, I only saw them go-and-go-and-go into the night sky until I could see them no more. I must have observed 30-50 craft over the span of the event, and as many as 8 in my field of view at once when the contact event was at its most active. When there were many craft in the air together, the flight patterns were particularly dexterous and unusual, by human flight standards anyway. They seemed buoyant, they could stop, wiggle, change direction totally without strain or effort, and they did seem very interactive when they were in the sky together. They would stop in the sky, move past or towards each other, group up, disperse, etc…almost like a group of humans on the ground would walk around communicating with each other, then go off after receiving a directive. For much of the event there would be only a single, or commonly two craft, in the sky at once…they all appeared at the same spot in the NW and flew out of sight matching each other’s flight course/pattern until disappearing into the north sky. When they appeared two at a time, they flew in a uniform formation to the other pairs. One craft at higher altitude would lead the lower, the lower trailed behind a ways but both matched each other’s rate of travel…then the higher craft would start gaining altitude before disappearing into the sky, and the lower looked to remain on a flattened trajectory until out of sight. All of the ships looked identical. They had clear-white lights/luminosity dispersed across the outlines of their craft, some could appear much brighter, seemingly at will, and would emanate significant variants of light intensity. While they were a ways off in the sky, my binoculars picked up a consistent contour on all crafts that made them appear as sleek, low-profile disc objects with a dome on the top and middle of their crafts. The event lasted an entire hour, it ended—and/or I stopped observing activity—at around 0120h. I was watching the whole event closely through my binoculars.
Coyotes yipped and sang for hours tonight. These animals have my full love and admiration…if any animal can check the hubris of our “western culture” it’s this ±30lbs canine. In the face of our all-out collective efforts to eradicate this species since we first stepped on this continent, the coyotes have proven themselves invulnerable to our violent misguidedness. It was grounding and beautiful to hear them singing in the desert while witnessing this paradigm shifting event, I wonder if they were watching too? A calm came over me in realizing that I did not feel separation between these craft in the sky and the coyote’s song—this contact event and the presence of E.T.s is an event that arose from a spirit and energy of oneness, not just amongst peoples, but amongst the Universe…planets, water, soil, rock, species…everything together, nothing apart. In that, there is hope.
Prior to this evening’s contact effort, I needed to catch some time by myself. I visited the medicine wheel that I’ve found myself returning to regularly since I stumbled upon it earlier in the week. [Note: quick research yielded that this ground is in the overlapping historic (pre-white colonists) range of the Ndee/Nnēē (Western Apache), Sobaipuri, and Hohokam tribes.] It is right on the edge of the ranch property that runs into Oracle State Park land. It’s constructed of quartz, with a larger rocks/crystal at the center, spokes that create a perfect compass rose, and a circular perimeter. It has clearly been there a long time, the quartz are sunk down into the earth and many slow-growing desert plants have grown up between/within it in a way that could only be replicated by time and natural growth. There is much energy here...it has been a calming and cleansing place to visit and be quiet.
To the SW of the medicine wheel, I could see a beautiful boulder outcropping. I worked my way to it, the manzanita, young catclaw acacia, and desert spoon were thick around the base of the outcropping, but I scraped my way through. The boulders were magnificent with massive smooth faces and the tallest boulder was column-like in shape and orientation with a large overhanging face, standing at its base gave the feeling that it was bending its neck down and observing me. I found a good seat in the rock and settled in with my back resting against one of the large smooth faces…it had been shaded from the afternoon sun and felt cool to the touch. I closed my eyes and asked to borrow some of their groundedness, and they may have gifted me some, as I quickly dropped into deep half-awake state. Evening was setting in, and I heard a great horned owl’s “hoo-h’HOO-hoo-hoo.” Through my quiet consciousness, I extended a good evening to the owl. I told it that I had nothing but peace and love in my heart for it, and that I was here in its desert trying to help it, trying to do what little I can to correct the blind destruction that my species has inflicted on its world. It was getting later, the sun was setting, and I needed to reconnect with the group—I left my boulder meditation and as I got back to the trail that led to our contact-area, on a dead catclaw acacia branch that arcked over the trail, perched the great horned owl, only yards from me. I stopped and breathed a calm breath, we looked at each other for a long while, probably less than a minute, but still a significant time interval, before it quietly hopped off the limb and glided down the draw. When I got to the group and got positioned in my chair, directly in my natural line of sight, perfectly silhouetted on the horizon at the very top of a tall desert spoon stalk, perched the great horned owl.
Lots of jets in the air as we got started tonight including a number of tandem jets flying in formation together. The first contact event I witnessed was an incredibly bright “flashbulb”a brilliant, scientifically-pure white light that came on in the north at about 30 degrees in the sky, it was amazingly bright and encompassed an enormous area. It went out as fast as it came on, like someone clicking one of those bright-white tactical flashlights on-and-off in your face…only imagine the flashlight being large and powerful enough to have that effect on you when it’s clicked on-and-off from far out into atmosphere. Incredible. [Correction: this light was not a focused "beam"...my flashlight analogy gives that impression...it's hard to describe its appearance, but it would be more akin to a brilliant eminence/reflection than a focused beam of light.] I cannot describe the feeling that come from witnessing that. 3-4 more “flashbulbs” of a much lesser intensity followed its signal in the low NNW sky. Some time later a brilliant green flash/streak moved quickly across the western sky at about 45 degrees elevation. A heavy military jet came flying low and slow directly overhead loaded with ordinance—you couldn’t have fit another canister/piece of gear on the fuckin’ thing, it was ready to go to war. Such a difficult juxtaposition—in one moment, such peace and wonderment is felt, in the next the sickly reminder of how small our nations and societies are. We are a war economy, and if you mess with their profits, they’re gonna waste you. A lot of other irregular aircraft in the sky tonight, including large, slow moving prop planes moving through the areas where the most contact has occurred, and a great deal of jet activity moving across the horizon to the north where the armada was seen yesterday. I had concern for our visitors for a while, but then something of a calm reassurance washed over me—it seems that little escapes them, and I’m sure they’re well aware of the presence of these loud, comparatively clumsy jets and all the shit they’ve got hanging off of them.
Almost at the same time as last night, around 0010h, in the exact space of sky NNW to N at about 20 degrees elevation, the same ships began appearing…mostly two at a time, flying that same formation. One ship leading above and one trailing behind. The two ships would move to the north towards Cassiopeia, one would gain altitude before dematerializing, and the other remain on a flat course until out of sight. Some were dim, some much brighter, just like the night before. Many ships were seen. I’m sure through the course of the night another 50 were witnessed, not to mention whatever went unseen…which led me to wonder, where are they coming from, where are they emerging from and what is sending them out? They are relatively small craft and—to anthropomorphize—many small craft tend to suggest the presence of a large “mother” craft and/or base. I’m a bit unwilling to use many of our common terms though as they are all militarized in their popular connotations: fleet, armada, base, formation, etc. Nothing about the presence or maneuvers of these E.T. craft felt in any way hostile, in fact, it was quite the opposite. They had a very calm presence. Even in an environment where threat existed with human warships in the area, these E.T. craft seemed to have an energy that was reassuring…something that translated to, “We are here to acknowledge your efforts, don’t worry, we are under control and nothing violent is going to happen…keep doing your work, and we’ll be here doing ours, we’re working together.” That was my distinct impression of the event. Later in the night I saw a bright, brilliantly red streak that swirled and waved that came low out of the western sky and dropped straight down to the horizon. When I made it known to the group, it was described as “an arrival.” I can neither confirm nor deny that assertion.
It needs to be noted that these events have been witnessed and documented by a group of 30 individuals. There are many high quality cameras, some still, some video, some with nightscopes, that have been capturing all of this. We even captured ships “dematerializing” and/or exiting this space-time dimension. I watched it many times with my own eyes and I’ve seen the play back through the night scope video. It’s verifiable and undeniable. I do not begin to “understand” what I’ve been seeing from a scientific perspective, but all of these observations have been recorded and carefully documented by a large group.
Many more “anomalies” have been recorded by electronic devices the group has including lightning-strike indicators, radar detectors, magnetometers, RF detectors, etc. I am in contact with the geo-physicist that is compiling and studying this data. He remains absolutely awed by the data he’s collecting, and keeps repeating that, “Nothing manmade could replicate these signals.” After he crunches the data, he will share his findings with me.
Yet again, around the same time in the night, ships to the north started appearing, mostly in tandem; they materialized in the NNW and moved directly north. They changed their flight pattern tonight. One would begin leading to the north, higher in elevation, one trailing behind and below like last night. Then the lower trailing craft would accelerate and begin climbing above and past the craft that was initially leading, fading out into the atmosphere while the leading craft stayed on a flat trajectory. There were times again when multiple craft were in the sky at once exhibiting highly unusual (by human standards) “flight” patterns…wiggling, wondering, stopping, dropping straight down, or climbing straight up. Some were dim and could not be seen with the naked eye, some appeared bright and could seen by all with the naked eye.
At one point in the night, directly overhead at the zenith, there were two stationary “stars”—all of the sudden they began moving together…they flew together from the zenith out of sight to the NE.
There were a number of claimed sightings of colored orbs, discs, and the like materializing and dematerializing…I did not see those things and cannot attest to them.
No jets or observable military presence tonight.
After the formal contact-event concluded, the group was invited back to the contact site after packing their stuff up to kick around casually talking, having some snacks, and looking at the sky without a focused/collective contact effort. I packed my backpack, collapsed my chair, loaded in the car and walked right back. Just as most of us who decided to “debrief” a bit before heading off-site arrived back to the contact area, a large ship to the N at about 45 degrees elevation in the sky completely lit up for a number of seconds, shining an immensely bright and brilliant light over the group. When the ship dimmed, two craft could be seen, one craft appearing below the craft that had been illuminated….they proceeded to drop straight down in the sky together towards the horizon in this very slow and irregular path that reminded me of footage of the old army paratroopers who had no directional control over their descent but just kind of meandered down and around with the wind and air currents. These two ships were prominent in the sky, easily visible to the naked eye after they dimmed, and the whole group watched them for likely more than a minute before they faded away. One of the most significant sightings of the week. It was a beautiful and powerful farewell.
While admittedly there was some shit through the course of the week that I didn’t buy, and even some things that made more than one alarm bell ring, I am, and must remain, extremely grateful for the foundation this has laid…for making me aware of, and receptive to, the topic, and for the immersive jump-start it gave us. Once some of the noise, individual personality traits, and direct knowledge-claims are blown away, the core of the entire group’s motivations seem to be very much in line with my own. We will continue to be allies and important resources, but I am glad now to be venturing out on my own, to develop my personal relationship to this topic and growth in this field…as each and every one of us should. We must all do this for ourselves, that is how we will best serve the collective. No one person holds the key.
I was guarded last night…and nervous. Not about contact with the Universe, but with an unknown group of humans who I was meant to nearly immediately bond with, trust, meditate with, and share the most intimate of experiences with—opening our souls together to make contact with those sentient beings that we share the cosmos with.
My greatest challenge was facing an upheaval of societal conditioning…my mind made an excuse not to be there, an excuse as to why it was bullshit, and how I’d been “had.” That’s the voice that keeps us small—the voice that was implanted in our beings long before we had the faculties to defend ourselves against it…it's the voice that keeps all things divided, defined, in competition, where all is deemed worthy or unworthy by the dollar-amount value we ascribe to it.
The group was on a break after a long contact-mediation. I was standing by myself looking north, and out of the blackness came a single flash…it was motionless, out in the sky amongst the stars, it flashed on and flashed off, and that was it. I don’t know if anyone else witnessed it. Not long after, looking to the NW, a bright light simply “appeared”—much brighter than any celestial objects in the area. It moved to the north for a number of seconds, shining consistently and brightly the whole time, then “disappeared” in an instant. This was seen by many in the group, I was even told one of the group’s cameras got it on film…
…as soon as it happened, I found myself explaining, or “unexplaining,” it away and worrying about the money I’d spent to be there. This really woke me to the effects of our societal conditioning. We’ve been made so small, so stifled. Here I am with a group dedicated to expanding our consciousness, making contact with advanced civilizations, receiving feedback from the Universe, and I’m standing there calling it into question, doubting, and wondering if “it was worth it” all within the first few hours of a weeklong expedition.
I will not be beat so easily, I will not remain so small. I mediated first thing this morning—I asked the ancients, Native American ancestors [I say “ancestor” loosely…’ancestors of the human species’] who have been on this land and looking to the sky for untold thousands of years, to help me free myself…to look up, to feel and experience with my own senses and own self. I asked any E.T.s who may be listening to help free myself from the smallness of my mind so I may be the best ambassador of human peace, and guardian of our plant and Nature, that I can be.
It is a good group I am with. They are diverse, enthusiastic, and vested in this mission. There are physicists, pilots, engineers, medical professionals, retirees, and laymen alike—none of which have been involved in UFO subculture, nor do they seem interested in outlandish conspiracies, but all of whom are dedicated to investigating the objective reality of what is unfolding in our modern world. They are intelligent, sober, and coherent. I am the only self-proclaimed "naturalist" in the group. I must remember that I am here on behalf of the wilds and our environment. I will rise to this experience and allow myself to grow.
Yesterday was very challenging, my soul & mind are being challenged by my experience here. The root of the challenge is that I feel no doubt of the validity of what we are here to study, namely the science of consciousness, the presence of interstellar E.T. civilizations on our planet, and our innate abilities to commune with them. However, I’ve found myself feeling doubt in some of what is being said, the delivery of some of the lessons, and the claims being made about the direct contact experiences that we were having during our nighttime sessions.
This afternoon lecture provided a conceptual overlay of the greater “E.T. climate” in the world right now. We spoke about clandestine activities, PSYOPS that used manmade E.T. vehicles/technology to terrorize the public as a “false flag” method of uniting the populace, suppression of Earth/environment saving technologies, etc. We explored the precursory science behind what we’re observing and feeling: the quantum Universe/quantum hologram and multi-dimensionality, the different planes of existence, bilocation, remote viewing, and E.T. civilizations as they relate to their development in spiritual and conscious realms.
Some of it was like listening to a prolonged and redundant ‘abstract’ that introduces the base concepts of the theory, but doesn’t actually have any sort of technical proof-of-theory contained. There was no "hard science" involved in the introduction of the content, if you could comprehend the language being spoken, you could comprehend the meaning of the sentences/statements—whether it was agreed, or disagreed with, verifiable, or unverifiable. Unwanted skepticism seeped into me, I worried I was wasting energy fighting myself rather than openly investigating and inspecting the topics. This had the unfortunate effect of making me question the experience with the group as a whole, hence the greater conflict I am feeling. I cannot allow my questioning to color the whole of my personal experience and experience with the group.
During the contact meditations, few people had significant sightings, but some were calling out sightings constantly—none of which I saw or experienced. “There a cobalt blue orb there..” “The whole sky lit up, that whole thing is a massive ship that just fazed in and out…” “There’s a red light under your feet…” It went on and on. At one point the assertion was made that there were hundreds of ships all around us, E.T.s standing all amongst us…even that we were actually inside, encompassed by, a ship that had come in ‘just out-of-phase’ [dematerialized: in the same space as us, but shifted into another dimension, out of the 3D physical] and settled in all around us. Unfortunately, this did not help my receptivity to the work being done. It further fueled my skepticism and doubt.
The only thing I saw that really got me excited…and this was seen by the whole group…was an incredibly large, bright, nearby, and long-lasting object that showed up with a similar speed and trajectory as a shooting star would have…but it looked like no shooting star I’d ever seen. It lasted a long time, it was incredibly bright, a clear, almost “precise-white” luminosity—it had little to no tail, but was somewhat tear-drop in shape. There was a black-disk shape at its center that I could discern against the different shade of black that made up the night sky, and there was a red glow encompassing the disk. For a moment, after the white light went out (again, not dissimilar in characteristic to a shooting-star), I could still see the red glow and the disk it encompassed, then the red glow went out, and I could still see the sharp-black of the disk continuing in its same size and velocity into the blackness of the night sky. It was brilliant, and I felt my soul and mind leap at seeing it. It is hard for me to think that was a shooting star…it felt and looked like something that was loosely mimicking a shooting star, for the sake of being playful, and acknowledging our meditations, presence, and invitation. [05.26.2021 NOTE: Yesterday, I asked some other people about their experience in viewing this event, and then I asked, “That didn’t seem like it could have been a shooting star did it?”…the unanimous response was a sort of wide-eyed and immediate rejection of the idea that it even may, or could have been, a shooting star…and to even suggest that it might have been a shooting star was far more abstract and disconnected than the open acknowledgment that it was, absolutely, an extra-terrestrial craft]
My job is to get absolutely everything I can get out of this week, to stay open, to listen, follow-up, inspect, and engage. That said, I will stay mindful and vigilant as well.
One thing that I specifically need to follow up on today was the use of electronic instruments to gauge anomalies. There were many instruments brought in, mostly by a geo-physicist, that became hyper-active half-way through our contact-mediation session. The geo-physicist was beside himself, he was giddy. He said he had the “Lamborghinis of hand-held [insert name of devices]” and that nothing man-made could produce the signals he was seeing. He was detecting anomalies, and what he described as E.T. beings, all within the circle we were in…he even walked over to me and was giddy in saying, “There are four right here, there are four standing right with/around you!” Another individual was running a different kind of device, a magnetometer, that had become highly active too, and was also saying it was the direct presence of E.T.s that were intentionally sending signals to the devices for the sake of communicating their presence.
(NOTE: The reason for them being phased “out of 3D” direct-physical presence was attributed to them needing to stay safe from our military, who targets “foreign craft and entities”…which, of all things, I actually can fully appreciate. I’ve no doubt, that if I were an E.T. coming to current-day Earth, that I wouldn’t be trusting of our governments and/or military)
It needs to be noted, that I observed many people in the group that were highly excited and that seemingly felt and accepted the entirety of the night’s experience. They were describing their own feelings, intuitions, and experiences that suggested that we were indeed in the direct presence of E.T.s that were communicating with us. I don’t know if there were others in the crowd who had doubts or reservations as well, but I do know through observation that it was an incredibly special night and experience for many of the people around me.
A person can either choose passive disbelief, casting themselves into the role of the lazy cynic, or they can follow up on what they don’t understand and come to conclusions through effort, deliberation, and openness. My task is to follow up on what I’ve not understood.
Incredibly impactful night. It was very quiet compared to last night. The moon was full, it was warm, and very light out. I did privately sort of “step out” from the guided meditations and allowed myself to follow my own meditations, intuitions, and feelings. My seat in the circle was facing SE and about midway through the evening the moon was almost directly in front of my gaze at about 45 degrees in the sky. There were two stars just above and to the east of the moon, maybe 10-15 degrees up and 5-10 degrees east (loose guesses). I’d been observing them passively while watching the rest of the night sky all evening.
During my private meditations, I was asking for help. I was admitting to the E.T.s that I was struggling with the limitations of my mind, and the conditioning that’s been imposed upon me by the current reality of the world. I told them I felt myself being guarded, and closed-off to an extent. I wasn’t asking for proof of their existence, I already felt and believed that they existed. What I needed was a more subtle proof that we could, and were, communicating…I was asking them to help me feel the truth of our present shared connection and unity through consciousness. In effect, I was asking for a private conversation that would allow me to feel, in an intimate one-on-one sort of way, that we were indeed connected/connecting, and I got one.
As I was scanning around, my mind swept back over the moon and the stars above it. Just above the moon and slightly to the east I saw a string of three equidistant stars, all of very similar size and brightness. [Retroactive note: after re-reading this, I feel it’s important to mention that my subconscious has been seeing recurring visions of a line of three stars or lights in a row like this for a couple of days.] My intuition started staring at the formation in a sort of head-scratching, “Huh, I don’t remember there being three stars in a line like that up there….” As I continued studying these three stars, I started blinking and trying to clear my eyes, because it seemed like they were slightly wobbling, as though the middle star was swaying and looping around a little bit…my attempt to stabilize myself and lock my vision onto the “fixed” formation of stars transferred to me a similar sense of being on a boat rocking in the chop and trying to maintain equilibrium. A minute or so passed of watching this, and I looked at the gaps between the formation and thought, “That star is definitely moving, it has changed position dramatically…” I made the group aware of what I was observing, I gave them coordinates to it in the sky. To my astonishment, it seemed to evoke little more than a sort of half-interested shrug out of the group…and even while this event was still happening, the vast majority of the group ceased to watch it. Another minute or so passed and now what had been the “middle star,” which I’ll now openly refer to as the ‘craft,’ was all the way down next to the lower star, then for the next minute or two I watched it slowly slide out to the east, the craft lingered to the east of the two stars for a while, then over the course of another minute or so the light emanating from it slowly faded out and/or away, and it was gone.
I was blown away by the experience. And when the craft disappeared, I sort of checked around the group and could tell no one else had really been paying much attention and those that had watched it with me, didn’t seem to be very impacted by it. I then remembered a discussion that was had earlier in the week in which it was recognized that it’s well documented that along with collective contact experiences that are shared by all, E.T.s regularly hold/send private communications as well, and some contact events are meant for, or shown to, specific individuals. While this event was visible to all, it did feel intensely personal to me as I watched it—like it was a private communication between myself and the occupants of that craft. It was subtle, sort of playful and indirect, the flight path was very looping, abstract, almost like a tired drunk just sort of drifting and looping around at a snails pace on some indeterminate path…and yet it was crystal-clear, poignant, and undeniable. I asked for something undeniable, something in my language that let me feel for myself the reality of what was happening, that we were communicating and that both sides were sending and receiving, and I was gifted that proof in a lasting, generous, and compassionate confirmation. They understood what I was needing to feel from them, and they gave that to me. I sat in a sort of awe last night, my energies buzzing but subdued, and I felt a quietly ecstatic wonderment. Nothing else was reported the rest of the night by anyone in the group—I personally couldn’t have asked for more. I spent the rest of the evening basking in the experience of observing the sky, the moon, the clouds, and stars and was awed by their beauty.
At around 2420h ships started appearing in the NW, and moving out to the north, then disappearing into the sky…I did not see the craft go behind a horizon, I only saw them go-and-go-and-go into the night sky until I could see them no more. I must have observed 30-50 craft over the span of the event, and as many as 8 in my field of view at once when the contact event was at its most active. When there were many craft in the air together, the flight patterns were particularly dexterous and unusual, by human flight standards anyway. They seemed buoyant, they could stop, wiggle, change direction totally without strain or effort, and they did seem very interactive when they were in the sky together. They would stop in the sky, move past or towards each other, group up, disperse, etc…almost like a group of humans on the ground would walk around communicating with each other, then go off after receiving a directive. For much of the event there would be only a single, or commonly two craft, in the sky at once…they all appeared at the same spot in the NW and flew out of sight matching each other’s flight course/pattern until disappearing into the north sky. When they appeared two at a time, they flew in a uniform formation to the other pairs. One craft at higher altitude would lead the lower, the lower trailed behind a ways but both matched each other’s rate of travel…then the higher craft would start gaining altitude before disappearing into the sky, and the lower looked to remain on a flattened trajectory until out of sight. All of the ships looked identical. They had clear-white lights/luminosity dispersed across the outlines of their craft, some could appear much brighter, seemingly at will, and would emanate significant variants of light intensity. While they were a ways off in the sky, my binoculars picked up a consistent contour on all crafts that made them appear as sleek, low-profile disc objects with a dome on the top and middle of their crafts. The event lasted an entire hour, it ended—and/or I stopped observing activity—at around 0120h. I was watching the whole event closely through my binoculars.
Coyotes yipped and sang for hours tonight. These animals have my full love and admiration…if any animal can check the hubris of our “western culture” it’s this ±30lbs canine. In the face of our all-out collective efforts to eradicate this species since we first stepped on this continent, the coyotes have proven themselves invulnerable to our violent misguidedness. It was grounding and beautiful to hear them singing in the desert while witnessing this paradigm shifting event, I wonder if they were watching too? A calm came over me in realizing that I did not feel separation between these craft in the sky and the coyote’s song—this contact event and the presence of E.T.s is an event that arose from a spirit and energy of oneness, not just amongst peoples, but amongst the Universe…planets, water, soil, rock, species…everything together, nothing apart. In that, there is hope.
Prior to this evening’s contact effort, I needed to catch some time by myself. I visited the medicine wheel that I’ve found myself returning to regularly since I stumbled upon it earlier in the week. [Note: quick research yielded that this ground is in the overlapping historic (pre-white colonists) range of the Ndee/Nnēē (Western Apache), Sobaipuri, and Hohokam tribes.] It is right on the edge of the ranch property that runs into Oracle State Park land. It’s constructed of quartz, with a larger rocks/crystal at the center, spokes that create a perfect compass rose, and a circular perimeter. It has clearly been there a long time, the quartz are sunk down into the earth and many slow-growing desert plants have grown up between/within it in a way that could only be replicated by time and natural growth. There is much energy here...it has been a calming and cleansing place to visit and be quiet.
To the SW of the medicine wheel, I could see a beautiful boulder outcropping. I worked my way to it, the manzanita, young catclaw acacia, and desert spoon were thick around the base of the outcropping, but I scraped my way through. The boulders were magnificent with massive smooth faces and the tallest boulder was column-like in shape and orientation with a large overhanging face, standing at its base gave the feeling that it was bending its neck down and observing me. I found a good seat in the rock and settled in with my back resting against one of the large smooth faces…it had been shaded from the afternoon sun and felt cool to the touch. I closed my eyes and asked to borrow some of their groundedness, and they may have gifted me some, as I quickly dropped into deep half-awake state. Evening was setting in, and I heard a great horned owl’s “hoo-h’HOO-hoo-hoo.” Through my quiet consciousness, I extended a good evening to the owl. I told it that I had nothing but peace and love in my heart for it, and that I was here in its desert trying to help it, trying to do what little I can to correct the blind destruction that my species has inflicted on its world. It was getting later, the sun was setting, and I needed to reconnect with the group—I left my boulder meditation and as I got back to the trail that led to our contact-area, on a dead catclaw acacia branch that arcked over the trail, perched the great horned owl, only yards from me. I stopped and breathed a calm breath, we looked at each other for a long while, probably less than a minute, but still a significant time interval, before it quietly hopped off the limb and glided down the draw. When I got to the group and got positioned in my chair, directly in my natural line of sight, perfectly silhouetted on the horizon at the very top of a tall desert spoon stalk, perched the great horned owl.
Lots of jets in the air as we got started tonight including a number of tandem jets flying in formation together. The first contact event I witnessed was an incredibly bright “flashbulb”a brilliant, scientifically-pure white light that came on in the north at about 30 degrees in the sky, it was amazingly bright and encompassed an enormous area. It went out as fast as it came on, like someone clicking one of those bright-white tactical flashlights on-and-off in your face…only imagine the flashlight being large and powerful enough to have that effect on you when it’s clicked on-and-off from far out into atmosphere. Incredible. [Correction: this light was not a focused "beam"...my flashlight analogy gives that impression...it's hard to describe its appearance, but it would be more akin to a brilliant eminence/reflection than a focused beam of light.] I cannot describe the feeling that come from witnessing that. 3-4 more “flashbulbs” of a much lesser intensity followed its signal in the low NNW sky. Some time later a brilliant green flash/streak moved quickly across the western sky at about 45 degrees elevation. A heavy military jet came flying low and slow directly overhead loaded with ordinance—you couldn’t have fit another canister/piece of gear on the fuckin’ thing, it was ready to go to war. Such a difficult juxtaposition—in one moment, such peace and wonderment is felt, in the next the sickly reminder of how small our nations and societies are. We are a war economy, and if you mess with their profits, they’re gonna waste you. A lot of other irregular aircraft in the sky tonight, including large, slow moving prop planes moving through the areas where the most contact has occurred, and a great deal of jet activity moving across the horizon to the north where the armada was seen yesterday. I had concern for our visitors for a while, but then something of a calm reassurance washed over me—it seems that little escapes them, and I’m sure they’re well aware of the presence of these loud, comparatively clumsy jets and all the shit they’ve got hanging off of them.
Almost at the same time as last night, around 0010h, in the exact space of sky NNW to N at about 20 degrees elevation, the same ships began appearing…mostly two at a time, flying that same formation. One ship leading above and one trailing behind. The two ships would move to the north towards Cassiopeia, one would gain altitude before dematerializing, and the other remain on a flat course until out of sight. Some were dim, some much brighter, just like the night before. Many ships were seen. I’m sure through the course of the night another 50 were witnessed, not to mention whatever went unseen…which led me to wonder, where are they coming from, where are they emerging from and what is sending them out? They are relatively small craft and—to anthropomorphize—many small craft tend to suggest the presence of a large “mother” craft and/or base. I’m a bit unwilling to use many of our common terms though as they are all militarized in their popular connotations: fleet, armada, base, formation, etc. Nothing about the presence or maneuvers of these E.T. craft felt in any way hostile, in fact, it was quite the opposite. They had a very calm presence. Even in an environment where threat existed with human warships in the area, these E.T. craft seemed to have an energy that was reassuring…something that translated to, “We are here to acknowledge your efforts, don’t worry, we are under control and nothing violent is going to happen…keep doing your work, and we’ll be here doing ours, we’re working together.” That was my distinct impression of the event. Later in the night I saw a bright, brilliantly red streak that swirled and waved that came low out of the western sky and dropped straight down to the horizon. When I made it known to the group, it was described as “an arrival.” I can neither confirm nor deny that assertion.
It needs to be noted that these events have been witnessed and documented by a group of 30 individuals. There are many high quality cameras, some still, some video, some with nightscopes, that have been capturing all of this. We even captured ships “dematerializing” and/or exiting this space-time dimension. I watched it many times with my own eyes and I’ve seen the play back through the night scope video. It’s verifiable and undeniable. I do not begin to “understand” what I’ve been seeing from a scientific perspective, but all of these observations have been recorded and carefully documented by a large group.
Many more “anomalies” have been recorded by electronic devices the group has including lightning-strike indicators, radar detectors, magnetometers, RF detectors, etc. I am in contact with the geo-physicist that is compiling and studying this data. He remains absolutely awed by the data he’s collecting, and keeps repeating that, “Nothing manmade could replicate these signals.” After he crunches the data, he will share his findings with me.
Yet again, around the same time in the night, ships to the north started appearing, mostly in tandem; they materialized in the NNW and moved directly north. They changed their flight pattern tonight. One would begin leading to the north, higher in elevation, one trailing behind and below like last night. Then the lower trailing craft would accelerate and begin climbing above and past the craft that was initially leading, fading out into the atmosphere while the leading craft stayed on a flat trajectory. There were times again when multiple craft were in the sky at once exhibiting highly unusual (by human standards) “flight” patterns…wiggling, wondering, stopping, dropping straight down, or climbing straight up. Some were dim and could not be seen with the naked eye, some appeared bright and could seen by all with the naked eye.
At one point in the night, directly overhead at the zenith, there were two stationary “stars”—all of the sudden they began moving together…they flew together from the zenith out of sight to the NE.
There were a number of claimed sightings of colored orbs, discs, and the like materializing and dematerializing…I did not see those things and cannot attest to them.
No jets or observable military presence tonight.
After the formal contact-event concluded, the group was invited back to the contact site after packing their stuff up to kick around casually talking, having some snacks, and looking at the sky without a focused/collective contact effort. I packed my backpack, collapsed my chair, loaded in the car and walked right back. Just as most of us who decided to “debrief” a bit before heading off-site arrived back to the contact area, a large ship to the N at about 45 degrees elevation in the sky completely lit up for a number of seconds, shining an immensely bright and brilliant light over the group. When the ship dimmed, two craft could be seen, one craft appearing below the craft that had been illuminated….they proceeded to drop straight down in the sky together towards the horizon in this very slow and irregular path that reminded me of footage of the old army paratroopers who had no directional control over their descent but just kind of meandered down and around with the wind and air currents. These two ships were prominent in the sky, easily visible to the naked eye after they dimmed, and the whole group watched them for likely more than a minute before they faded away. One of the most significant sightings of the week. It was a beautiful and powerful farewell.
While admittedly there was some shit through the course of the week that I didn’t buy, and even some things that made more than one alarm bell ring, I am, and must remain, extremely grateful for the foundation this has laid…for making me aware of, and receptive to, the topic, and for the immersive jump-start it gave us. Once some of the noise, individual personality traits, and direct knowledge-claims are blown away, the core of the entire group’s motivations seem to be very much in line with my own. We will continue to be allies and important resources, but I am glad now to be venturing out on my own, to develop my personal relationship to this topic and growth in this field…as each and every one of us should. We must all do this for ourselves, that is how we will best serve the collective. No one person holds the key.
Now, a week later, I find my mind struggling to understand this new reality. The Universe, for as incomprehensibly large as it is, feels so much smaller now. And at the root of it, remains the question, “Why?”
I feel a personal connection that I never thought I’d feel, a connection to the stories I’ve heard of the indigenous people’s of South America not being able to see the first arrival of Spanish ships. They couldn’t see them because they didn’t fit into their reality, their minds censored their vision and did not permit them to be seen. To see them would have been to immediately and drastically alter the fundamental nature and understandings of their reality, whether they wished for it to change or not. I’m at a similar impasse. I find myself wondering how the natives felt when they were first confronted with a different world? Perhaps the collective did not initially see the ships…but I wonder if there were any individuals who could see them….I wonder if they sat awake at night, not knowing how to speak of what they had seen, and not knowing what it meant…I wonder if they felt alone and unsure of themselves? Did they toil trying to feel something they couldn’t feel yet, did they call their own sense into question, wondering if they could trust themselves, if they could trust what they saw? What does it feel like…what does it feel l like to be confronted with new terms of reality so greatly different from what we were taught to understand that they’re inaccessible to us? What does it feel like to have to lose one’s self, to devolve, in order to permit going forward in a new direction of growth? Luckily, this impasse doesn’t feel ominous in the way I assume a Spanish armada, flying under the banner of a White, prideful God must have felt. But even if this turns out to be beautiful, a whole new beginning, in the most wondrous and positive of ways, it still feels daunting in this moment. And of course, of course there remains the possibility—even though it doesn’t feel right, and I doubt it will be the case—but there remains the possibility that my senses and wakeful consciousness will never again be able to verify what they saw.
The evidence suggests that a new way of existing is available to us. A way of existing that is immeasurably more healthy, free, and peaceful than the superficial and destructive reality that we’ve come to know. We have a chance to save our planet and rehabilitate nature while restoring our souls and our spiritual connection to the Universe that we are of-and-from. We are much more than what we have become.
When the time is right, I will begin writing a more comprehensive piece that dives further into my investigation and understanding of what I've learned and experienced. You’ll have it as soon as I do.
To begin following up on this for yourself, I suggest watching a documentary called Close Encounters Of The Fifth Kind. It’s been free on Amazon Video…it’s a fascinating work with many studies, interviews with scientists, and incredible E.T. contact footage from groups around the world that implemented the same contact protocols that we used in Arizona…the same contact protocols that you can use yourself, anywhere in the world, either by yourself or with a group. You need take no one’s word for this.
I invite you to help me to disseminate this information so that we all may be actively involved in discovering and ushering in a new and better reality for this Earth and all that we share it with. Please feel free to share/post this page or its link freely.
I invite you to help me to disseminate this information so that we all may be actively involved in discovering and ushering in a new and better reality for this Earth and all that we share it with. Please feel free to share/post this page or its link freely.
If you have any experiences you would like to share, or any questions you would like you ask, I invite you to contact me. This is something we need to be working on together and speaking with each other openly about. We cannot allow 'The Establishment' to control our relationship to the Universe.